Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Garage and Porches

The last 6 weeks have seemed very slow.  Not much is happening, contractors are busy and I am frustrated!  I knew going into this that everything takes longer than expected, but it is hard being patient!  You just want the exciting stuff to happen!  I just want walls!  All I am getting is alot of concrete.  I guess you have to start somewhere, and I can't have walls until I have lots of concrete.

Here we are..........and we have a garage!  Well, it's not walls, but it is still kind of fun.  It was nice to see how big it will be and how the "courtyard" area will play out as it is on a 90 degree angle to the house.  I think that we will love it and it won't make the house look so long and "ranchy" as our first plan was drawn up.  I like my new made up word- ranchy.  Hey- it's getting late, and I am catching up on my blogging!

The closest concrete walls to the road are for the garage.  It will be a deep 3 car garage with room for the fishing boat.

There is Michael, Kate and Ethan on the side of the house.  You can see where the hearthroom fireplace will be near where they are standing.  In the foreground, is the screen porch.

 There has been a lot of talk about the joists coming and being installed.  I don't know much about how that works, but I do know that is the next step before walls!  I keep having this thought about driving down our new road and finally seeing walls standing tall over that foundation.  Some day soon......

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The "Dirt"

This post is just one where I want to save some pictures that I have taken when we go "visit" our new homesite.  The kids all love to go out, run around, climb up the hills of dirt and play on the equipment.  Kate (3) started calling it "the dirt".  So, that is what we call it, for now.  It doesn't seem like much of a house yet!  She is so cute when she asks to go out to "the dirt"!  Enjoy!

My sweeties in their boots

The Dad and his Doll

"Mom, take my picture way up here!"

Lots of dirt

How cute are these two??

Molly Claire (9) and Daddy

Baby Kate

I think he found his new profession


My fashion bug in her pink Hunters!

Me and my girl (yes, I had dirt in my boots from climbing up here!)

Aaron and Jakob

Me and my honey/General Contractor

Weeds growing on the dirt piles

You would think that he was 6!

Steve washing off Molly Claire's feet after she stepped in the mud with her sandals on- ICK!!!!!!!! 

Showing our good friends Nicki and Steve the progress.  They will be frequent guests at the new house!