Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Day has Come!

Oh my.................walls!!!!!  Friday morning (9/27) they started putting them up.  Michael and Ethan went out before lunch time, and texted me some of the pictures.  I think that I gasped as I saw them!   We went out as a family that night to take a look around.  It was so exciting to drive up our road and finally "see" our house!  I started snapping as soon as a got out of the truck:

Welcome...........come on in!  Here is our front door, well, our front opening anyway!

It's all coming together now.  For a couple weeks anyway, things should be happening around here.  The weather forecast looks good, so let's keep building!

This is the only exposed part of the house.

The kids were having fun as the sun was setting.  Isaac had brought out his scooter and was zooming all over the house.  Kind of nerve wracking, because we had to keep him away from the opening for the stairs.

My soaking tub will sit right under that transom window.

My hubby is good to me........The End.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


 Wasn't I just talking about walls?  It has been what I have been patiently (not really) waiting for.  Tonight, we quickly ate dinner and went out so we would have enough light to see the progress.  It ended up being the most fun time yet!  They have been building walls all week, and they might not be up, but they are close! The floor in half of the garage was also poured today and we were able to walk on it already.  This is what we found out there:

It was really fun to see how big some of the windows will be and where they are placed.
My husband said that they will most likely finish building all the walls around the whole house before they start putting them up. With the rate they are going, I could actually have some walls up by the weekend!  That is exciting!

Down in the basement, they had lights strung up on the whole side of the basement where the concrete had been poured.  It was amazing to walk around down there with lights and a floor.  It's really becoming a house!

Unfinished side and concrete side in the background.

My Basement!  This is taken from where the boys' bedroom suite will be looking into the
 utility room,  and the end, the music room.

These are the three windows in the boys' room.

Only these 3 kiddos came with us tonight.  Perfect for this shot.

Mr. Contractor

And a little family fun!

This was one of the most exciting and fun times that we have visited our home.  I  can imagine that it just keeps getting better and better as our vision for this home becomes reality!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Floor

Exciting stuff, I was able to walk on my floor for the first time this week!  Michael and I were off to Madison for the day and stopped by so he could talk to our concrete guy, Chuck.  As they were talking, I walked all the way up to the house looking at this huge expanse of wood spanning our whole first floor.  Looking around for someone to ask, my thought was, "Can I go up there and walk on it?"  Before that thought left my head, I hoisted myself up there maxi dress and all.  Nothing was going to stop me!  It was then that I realized how big this house was going to be.  Instead of fretting how I was going to keep such a big house clean, or how would we furnish it,  I snap chatted a few friends a picture.  My friend, Roxy, texted back, "We are going to need a map so we don't get lost!"

The opening will be where the stairs go down from the mudroom.

This is the footing for the front porch- more progress!!

Sure we could have made it smaller.  We actually did, after using a tape measure in the living room to map out how large certain rooms were.  Some interior rooms just ended up the size they are because it worked with the layout of the other rooms.  It's not some mansion, but it's bigger than what we have now by about 2,000 square feet and that's a house in itself.  I would feel strange about it if we didn't have 8 people that were going to live in it!!  One trip to Lake Geneva later, and it didn't seem so big!