Friday, February 21, 2014

Insulation= Heat

The past couple of weeks have had some progress!  The plumber and electrician have finished.  This means that it was time to get insulating!  It started with Michael, Aaron and Jacob putting plastic up on the ceiling so that the drywall could be hung.  They started in the hearth room and kitchen.

Michael, Aaron and Jakob

Then our nephew Nathan helped Michael the rest of the weekend and got it done! While they did that, Morgan and I sprayed "Great Stuff" in every little crack and crevice in the place.  We sprayed around all the windows and anywhere the cold could get in. The drywall team came in later that week and finished the whole ceiling in less than a day.

Here is Nathan- he was a HUGE help!

One Saturday, A bunch of Aaron's friends came to work all day.
I came to bring them pizza and homemade cookies for lunch.  
Above is the crew: Austin, Adam (background) Mitchell, Aaron and Ethan (foreground).

Austin working hard!

Ethan- not working so hard!

Morgan and I with our "Great Stuff"!

Let's get some walls up!!!!!!  We are ready!!!