Friday, July 26, 2013

Insulation Board Fun

Saving money.  This was our first attempt to save money during our homebuilding process.  Michael spent many hours on the internet and talking to contractors and professionals.  He figured that between him, our boys and a few of their friends, he could get the job done in a weeks time.  First thing that had to be done was knocking off all the little cement "knobs" (for lack of a technical term) off the walls.  A bunch of hammers and some sweaty teenagers later, that job was done.

Here is my neighbor "son", Jakob- we LOVE Jakob!

Michael and my nephew, Mitchell.

Ethan and Nick

Aaron, Mitch and Michael

Middle of July and it was HOT!  They were all drenched after working out there!

  The glue was then piped onto the boards and they were stuck onto the walls.  The metal bars sticking out of the walls had to be pounded to one side or the other to hold the boards in place.  I am sure that a contractor (or a man) could put that into words that would be much easier to visualize, but that's how I put it.  Here are some photos of the boards going up.

Here is where the story gets good.  After a bunch of late weeknights and the whole weekend, the boys were all cooked.  I remember them showing up back home without Michael.  When I questioned them, they said that Dad said they could go and he would finish because it looked like rain.  I knew that he could get it faster with help, but the last thing that I wanted to do on a Sunday night at 7 p.m. was go out there and get dirty.  I called him and headed out.  It had rained quite a bit on a off and there was a small moat on the side of the house that we were working on.  I had come prepared with my trusty Hunter boots!  The sun was going down, and we knew that we had to work fast, clouds were coming in.  Needless to say, it was NOT the most fun I have ever had.  It started to sprinkle, get cold and windy.  I remember having to carry boards from the front to the back of the house.  They are bulky, but light, but the wind was pulling me although the board was a kite and I was the string!  With my boots ankle deep in mud, we finished the side of the house in the dark.  I wasn't going to complain a bit- my husband is building us our dream house- what's to complain about????!!!

Trusty Hunters!  (And my glue gun!)

Blurry picture of us in the rain!

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Foundation

The foundation walls have gone up.  As we checked in on the progress, it was very interesting to see how it is done.  From pouring footings, to putting up forms and then pouring walls, it sure makes you appreciate what those men are doing and why it costs what it does.  We had a couple of very hot days while they were setting up the forms.  I should have brought out drinks one of those days, but last week Friday, while they were pouring, we dropped off a cooler full of ice cold water, iced tea, soda and Gatorade.  While talking to Chuck, the owner of the concrete company, he told us that many people don't come out to see the different steps of the process.  I was surprised by this.  It is really fun to see what goes on and exciting to see progress on your new home!  I hope that the guys don't think we are just "checking" up on them or are uncomfortable that we stop by.  I am going to try to think up different treats and lunches that I can prepare for our contractors.  I have heard that they appreciate this, and I love to do that kind of thing!

So first the forms went up

Dining room looking towards the bedrooms

Dining room looking back to the kitchen/hearthroom

Basement view

The forms were filled and in a couple of days, we had walls!

The next step will be insulation board.  This should be interesting since Michael wants to do this step on his own!  Stay tuned!