Friday, July 12, 2013

The Foundation

The foundation walls have gone up.  As we checked in on the progress, it was very interesting to see how it is done.  From pouring footings, to putting up forms and then pouring walls, it sure makes you appreciate what those men are doing and why it costs what it does.  We had a couple of very hot days while they were setting up the forms.  I should have brought out drinks one of those days, but last week Friday, while they were pouring, we dropped off a cooler full of ice cold water, iced tea, soda and Gatorade.  While talking to Chuck, the owner of the concrete company, he told us that many people don't come out to see the different steps of the process.  I was surprised by this.  It is really fun to see what goes on and exciting to see progress on your new home!  I hope that the guys don't think we are just "checking" up on them or are uncomfortable that we stop by.  I am going to try to think up different treats and lunches that I can prepare for our contractors.  I have heard that they appreciate this, and I love to do that kind of thing!

So first the forms went up

Dining room looking towards the bedrooms

Dining room looking back to the kitchen/hearthroom

Basement view

The forms were filled and in a couple of days, we had walls!

The next step will be insulation board.  This should be interesting since Michael wants to do this step on his own!  Stay tuned!

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